Classical Mathematics ONE

Primary Sources
We’ve developed Classical Mathematics ONE to provide parents and students with a classical ad fontes alternative to modern geometry textbooks. The curriculum guides students through 5 books of Euclid’s Elements (I-III, V-VI). The vast majority of time is spent with Euclid, although two other texts are introduced to provide background, context, and perspective. The curriculum is organized and arranged to first disorient students away from their preconceptions regarding mathematics. Next, students are immersed in a beautiful world of numbers to allow them a sense of the aesthetics of math. After those preparatory experiences, students are introduced to Euclid and learn to follow and create proofs, perform complex constructions, and think critically about the nature of geometry. In short, students will learn to think like mathematicians rather than mere computers.
Student Journal
Classical Mathematics ONE, like a good teacher, is a guide to great texts; it does not presume to replace them. Thus, it intentionally lacks many of the helps that textbooks provide. It presents no pre-packaged formulas to memorize or step-by-step commentaries. Instead, it gives students a framework within which to make these great texts their own. Students are guided through the creation of a math journal. Students record their questions and observations in their journal, along with their efforts to solve problems. This way, students will gain mastery over the material by writing their own textbook filled with their own questions, solutions, and insights.
Teacher Guide
This detailed PDF guidebook includes commentaries on daily lessons and readings, construction guides, and answers to the study questions and proof problems.
(Updates are paused as I work on other projects. The current version is functionally complete and lacks only construction guides for propositions VI. 28, VI.29, and VI.30. Updates and corrections will resume at some point during the summer. In the meantime, please feel free to email me at if you discover an error or typo. Last update: 16 March 2023)
The Teacher Guide is currently available for free as a PDF download.
Video Lessons
The curriculum includes unlimited access to weekly instructional videos. Each week has only 4 days of assignments to give time for the video lessons on the 5th day. The videos include lectures and detailed walk-throughs of the propositions and problems the students tackled during the week. The videos will also provide detailed solutions to the week’s exercises. Students will be able to grade and correct their own work at the end of each week as they watch.
The entire video sequence can be viewed here.
Required Texts (not included)
- The Elements – Euclid (We recommend the Green Lion Press edition)
- Introduction to Arithmetic – Nicomachus* ($8)
- Mathematics for the Nonmathematician – Kline
*Nicomachus’ work has been out of print for decades. There are PDF scans available for free on various archival webpages. You may also purchase our printed version of the relevant chapters when you buy our curriculum.
- 31 Weeks of Lessons
- Weekly video lessons to expound on the week’s assignments & provide detailed answers
- Daily introductions provide important background and perspective
- Daily reading assignments & exercises
- Frequent study questions to encourage reflection & improve writing skills
- Proof exercises for logic & creativity
- Frequent geometric constructions
- Only 4 days per week (5th day is reserved for video series and/or Socratic-style discussion meetings)
- 4 Essay assignments
- Exam booklet with 4 exams included (designed to be self-graded after being taken)
- Easy to navigate layout
- Student guidebook is spiral-bound to lay flat
If you have questions about any of the curriculum’s features, please feel free to email us at
Reviews & Testimonials
- “I’m excited about this course and highly recommend it to anyone seeking a manageable way to study and teach Euclid’s Elements either instead of, or alongside, modern geometry curricula.” – Kristi (See Kristi’s full review HERE.)
- “I am a high school senior student who has taken your Classical Mathematics course as my last math curriculum. […] I thoroughly enjoyed your course, and I have been promoting it for high schoolers.” – Chloe
We’ve worked hard to make our curriculum as affordable as possible. Similar geometry curricula (textbook + exams + videos) typically sell for over $150. Because we’re a small, ministry-minded operation, we’re happy to sell our curriculum for $59.99. That’s a $150+ value for less than $60.
Classical Mathematics ONE is also available as a live class!
Buy Now
Our orders are processed using Stripe. Clicking the order buttons will re-direct you to our Stripe product page(s) for payment processing.
$59.99 + $8* shipping**
- Student Guidebook
- Exam Booklet
- (download Teacher Guide above)
$67.99 + $8* shipping**
- Student Guidebook
- Exam Booklet
- Nicomachus’ Introduction to Arithmetic, Book 1
- (download Teacher Guide above)
* Please note that we now ship orders via USPS media mail. While media mail does not usually cost $8, the difference goes toward keeping our prices steady in the face of rising rising production and handling costs. Thanks for understanding!
** Right now, we ship only within the continental United States. If you are interested having the curriculum shipped elsewhere, please contact us, and we’ll see what we can do.
If you have any trouble with the payment buttons on our site, please email Daniel at